You're Invited...
Highland High School Homecoming Parade Night would like to invite the community and local businesses to a night of festivities celebrating Homecoming on Wednesday, September 26th, starting with the annual parade beginning at 6:00pm. The theme for this year's homecoming is "Let's Glow Crazy". The parade route will begin on Lindenthal at the Elementary School and travel west on Lindenthal to Washington Street, north on Washington crossing Broadway and continue around the square, ending at Laurel. Immediately following the parade will be a Pep Rally at the square. If your business, club or group would like to place an entry in the parade, please contact Monica Rensing at 618 781-7809 or by September 14th.
September is...
Flush Out Childhood Cancer Month
Join in this fun community effort to bring awareness and a little bit of humor to this very serious condition. Keep from being "flushed" or "flush" someone yourself. Details here.
HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Announces Pre-Registration Dates for Fall Health Fair
HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Highland will host their fall health fair Friday, October 19, from 5:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Highland Hope Church, located at 12846 Daiber Road, Highland, IL. Pre-registration for an appointment will only take place in person, in the main lobby of the Hospital and on the dates listed below. Walk-in appointments are only available from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for those who do not pre-register.
Dates/Times & Fees here.
Reality Store 2018
Highland Business Women’s Clubs is sponsoring “The Reality Store” for the 8
th grade student body at Highland Middle School. The program is scheduled for
Friday, September 21, 2018, beginning promptly at 8am. The Reality Store is a two-hour life skills simulation for students during which each participant chooses a career that matches his/her interest and abilities. The student receives a monthly paycheck and experiences the financial obligations that adults deal with in every day life.
Highland BW is seeking the support from the community to help prepare our young people to make realistic choices in preparing for a successful future. Please indicate your willingness to participate by returning
this form to Susie Dewaele. You may contact Susie by cell: 618.520.7039 or by e-mail at if more information is needed.