JANUARY 17, 2019
Chamber Connection

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Jan. 17, 2019

5:00 - 7:00 pm



(formerly Brecht's Database)
1000 Broadway
Highland, IL

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Highland Chamber of Commerce hosts
“Get Found on Google Search and Maps”

The Highland Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with Google to help small businesses get online and grow. The “Get Found on Google Search and Maps” workshop will guide attendees through “Google My Business”, a free tool for local businesses who want to connect with customers on Google Search and Maps. 
January 25, 2019
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
The Korte Room
12441 US-40
Highland, IL 62249
For more information on this event, and to register, visit here.

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Have You Reserved Your Space on Our Digital Billboard?

If you are looking to get your business noticed by more people in the Metro Area, this is your opportunity to do so with 3 different options. 
You can either create your own design or have an ad designed for you, and you can change the ad during your contract for no additional fees.  
Call the Chamber office and ask for Nancie.

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Chamber Office Hours

Monday - Friday:
9am - 3pm

DEADLINE for getting information in the Chamber Connection and Highland Weekender is Tuesday by 3:00pm

We will be adding events to the calendar on Tuesday & Friday. 

If you miss the cut-off date, we keep your information for the next publication.  Please submit your information to penny@highlandillinois.com.

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9 Ways To Be a Better Employee in 2019

Your manager may not ever divulge any of these strategies, but they can help make you one of the most indispensable people in the office.

By the time you read this, you may have already resolved to get fit, quit a bad habit, and be an all-around better person in 2019. But experts tell us that few of these resolutions will stick, in part because we humans tend to make sweeping statements rather than real commitments rooted in values, interests, and beliefs.

But what if those resolutions were tied to your paycheck? Resolving to be a better employee might make all the difference in your level of engagement, simply because they might play a big role in that promotion or raise you’re gunning for this new year. With that in mind, we polled leaders across industries to hear their wisdom on how we can make effective change that will cast our work in the best light in 2019. Here’s what they told us: continue reading

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Chamber Awards & Fundraiser
March 30, 2019

The Highland Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting nominations for the highly coveted Business Person of the Year Award, Bob Hardy Citizen of the Year Award, Bill Pierce Chamber Member of the Year Award and the Homer Poss Lifetime Achievement Award. Winners will be announced and celebrated at the combined Highland Chamber Awards and Fundraiser night on March 30, 2019.   Nomination Form 

Member Updates


Hard Road Theatre Presents

Get your tickets at the Highland Chamber of Commerce office between 9 AM - 3 PM, order them online here, or purchase any remaining tickets available the night of the performance you wish to see.


Stewards of Hope Int'l Looking for Space

SOGA's Center for Medical Weight Loss Grand Opening



Tickets are on sale for the
Ms. L.O.L. Pageant 2019

Ticket sales have begun and they are going fast.  Here are a few questions asked about for the different locations:

Auditorium - $25

*This is the 'live' performance of the 12 beautiful contestants
*Only 800 tickets will be sold.  There are NO reserved seats
*The Garden Club will be selling concessions   *DVD Pre-sales
*Calendar sales                                               *"People's Choice" nominations
    **Each ticket has a 'Free' nomination ticket.  Other nominations are $1 per vote; the contestant that raises the most funds, by end of intermission, will win the title of "People's Choice"

Ballroom - $15
*This performance will be streamed live from the auditorium
*Only 500 tickets will be sold.  There are NO reserved seats
*Cash bar    
 *Snacks can be brought in.  Absolutely NO alcohol!
*DVD Pre-sales         *"People's Choice" nominations
   **Each ticket has a 'Free' nomination ticket.  Other nominations are $1 per vote; the contestant that raises the most funds, by end of intermission, will win the title of "People's Choice"

After Party will be at the ballroom and outside pavilion of Lindendale Park.  Everyone is invited to this event for FREE!  The contestants will be arriving immediately following the Pageant in their Evening Gowns for pictures and autographs.

Tickets can be purchased online here or by calling the LOL office @ 618-410-7212 to reserve (cash/check/chrg)

Chamber Connection - JANUARY 17, 2019