Eagle Scout Service Project to Benefit Highland Area Schools
City of Highland Police and BSA Life Scout Jackson Marchal are working together to fill emergency buckets to place in ALL of the classrooms in local schools. You can check out our Facebook Live Video from Business After Hours at Ace Hardware to hear Jackson talk about his project. There are still supply needs to be filled. The list of specific requests can be found here.
February Ribbon Cutting Pictures
Aristocrats, 821 Main St., Highland
SOGA CMWL, 110 Woodcrest Dr., Highland
Tickets are on sale for the Ms. L.O.L. Pageant 2019
Tickets can be purchased online here or by calling the LOL office @ 618-410-7212 to reserve (cash/check/chrg) Tickets: Auditorium - $25 Ballroom - $15
After Party will be at the ballroom and outside pavilion of Lindendale Park. Everyone is invited to this event for FREE! The contestants will be arriving immediately following the Pageant in their Evening Gowns for pictures and autographs.
Featured Fundraisers for LOL
Contact Joe @618-339-4054 or Bill @618-882-8479
Contact Chad @618-781-0054