June 5, 2019
Chamber Connection

Business After Hours


June 6, 2019

5:00 - 7:00 pm


948 Main St.
Highland, IL

Office News

Chamber Office Hours

Monday - Friday:
9am - 3pm

DEADLINE for getting information in the Chamber Connection and Highland Weekender is Tuesday by 3:00pm

We will be adding events to the calendar on Tuesday & Friday. 

If you miss the cut-off date, we keep your information for the next publication.  Please submit your information to penny@highlandillinois.com.

Business Focus

6 Signs It’s Time to Give Your Website a Facelift

In today’s competitive and constantly evolving business climate, a strong web presence is crucial. Your website is one of the most reliable, effective and future-proof marketing assets you can have. It should be set up to make access to information simple and immediate. A well-constructed website design that is easy to navigate and engages potential customers ensures you give a wonderful first impression.

Website design and underlying technology is always progressing. It is important to make changes to your website to stay current with competitors and improve business. Simple layouts, content management, comfortably followed navigation, and attractive aesthetics are fundamentals to keep in mind when freshening up a website for business.

In most cases, users judge a business’s credibility by their website. As such, it’s imperative that your website catches and keeps their attention. Here are six important signs that the time has come to update your site.  complete article

Advocacy Update

Illinois Chamber of Commerce Update...

2019 End of Session Report

What started out as a disastrous session for employers ended on a positive note Sunday with the Chamber securing several last minute victories for its members.  
Two of the first six bills signed into law this year by the Governor were major defeats to the business community.  The very first law signed by the Governor raised the statewide minimum wage to $15 an hour, while the other added yet another blow to the state's workers' compensation system.
However, as session progressed, other terrible pieces of legislation such as costly data privacy regulations and a proposal to threaten our petroleum refineries were laid to rest.  
In the final days of session, a deal was cut between the four legislative leaders and the Governor to pass major pieces of legislation in combination for several business reforms.  In addition, the Chamber secured one of major 2019 policy initiatives, a capital infrastructure program.
Despite ongoing efforts to amend our state's income tax system in the 2020 election, the Chamber received meaningful victories and looks forward to carrying the momentum into the next legislative session.


HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospitals in Breese and Highland to Launch New Epic Electronic Health Record System

(BREESE AND HIGHLAND, IL) – HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospitals in Breese and Highland will soon go live with Epic, a new electronic health record (EHR) system as part of their ongoing commitment to patient safety while also continuing to streamline health information sharing with other providers.

With the addition of both St. Joseph’s Hospitals in Breese and Highland, Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is completing a four-year $112 million initiative to ensure that patients and providers served by HSHS hospitals and their affiliated partners (Prairie Cardiovascular and HSHS Medical Group) have access to the most advanced electronic health record currently available.

Information contained in the EHR includes care orders, test results, physician notes and reports, as well as patients’ medical history. Epic provides a technology platform for this information to be shared with nurses, physicians and other caregivers in one integrated system. It will enhance transparent communication across locations and specialties. The go live date for both hospitals in is Saturday, June 8.

“Epic is a widely used health record system, used not only by our HSHS hospitals, but also by many of our physician partners, like HSHS Medical Group and Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants,” said Whitney Mendoza, IT service manager for both St. Joseph’s Hospitals. “By using the same EHR, clinicians will have access to more complete and accurate information about the care of their patients at either of our hospitals or at any of our clinics.”

Epic puts important medical information,...continue reading

Apex Network PT

Boy Scouts of America

Summer Opportunities

Cahokia Mounds District Summer Day Camp!

Open to all 1st  - 5th Grade Boys & Girls, Scouts & Non-Scouts
Date: June 24th -28th Time: 8:30am-4:00pm        Cost $80
Edwardsville Sportsman's Club in Troy: 1 Sportsman Lane Troy, IL

Activities from shooting sports, fishing, crafts, STEM, sports, games etc.
Questions contact: Adam Micun (Camp Director) at ajmicun@gmail.com
Day Camp Sponsored by: Scott Credit Union
Register @ https://scoutingevent.com/312-24422-58
Chamber Connection - June 5, 2019