February 25, 2021


March 17
9 am - 9:45am


Government Affairs Report

Governor Pritzker delivers State of the State Address 

Last week Wednesday, Governor Pritzker delivered his annual State of the State Address. The required annual address to the legislature is usually delivered via joint-session at the Capitol building, this year's speech was delivered virtually. 

The Governor discussed a wide range of topics, many of which were received negatively by the Illinois business community. The following statement is, in part, Illinois Chamber President & CEO Todd Maisch's response to the Governor's address.

"The Illinois Chamber is opposed to the massive tax increase proposed by the Governor’s budget plan under the guise of "closing corporate loopholes." We understand that the state has fiscal problems to address, however, the Governor’s plan will have a long-term negative impact on job creation and tax revenues for the state as it produces an unfair increase on taxpayers after they resoundingly defeated the graduated income tax. This not only will expand what will get taxed, but will also reduce key tax credits for vital sectors of the economy." 

The Chamber was pleased to hear the Governor speak of the need for additional relief for struggling small businesses. The Governor endorsed an Illinois Chamber idea to direct future federal funds to his Business Interruption Grant (BIG) program. This Chamber-backed legislation was introduced by Representative Margaret Croke as HB 2424. Senator Fowler will soon introduced similar legislation. We look forward to supporting the Governor and General Assembly on this critical issue. The Governor's complete speech can be read here.


Complimentary Webcast Three Part Series! The Biden Administration - What Businesses Need to Know

The Biden administration is signaling significant policy shifts. Business owners and C-Suite executives are encouraged to join us for a series of complimentary webcasts discussing these likely changes and how they will impact your business. 

National Updates - US Chamber

Natural Gas. Natural Advantage. (NGNA) – Natural Gas, Natural Advantage is an initiative of the U.S. Chamber’s Global Energy Institute (GEI) that showcases the benefits that natural gas provides to the economy, environment and natural security. Through targeted outreach at the state and local level, NGNA is educating Americans about the unique advantages of natural gas and advocating communities to support its continued production and use.

Continuing Education Opportunities

These education events are through the Illinois Chamber. YOU CAN REGISTER AT MEMBER PRICES because the Highland Chamber is a member! 

To Mandate Vaccines or Not: 
What Employers Need to Understand 
Tuesday March 2, 2021
10:30 am - 12:00 pm 
2020 placed more focus on health care in the workplace and what employers can or should do to protect the health and safety of employees, clients and vendors. The release of the COVID-19 vaccine raises the question of whether employers can require employees to receive that -- or any – vaccine and the implications for employers of imposing such a requirement.

Join Suzannah Wilson Overholt and Jeffrey Risch with SmithAmundsen LLC as they discuss legal issues related to vaccine and other similar requirements in the workplace for 2021.
  • 3/2 To Mandate Vaccines or Not: What Employers Need to Understand (Webinar)

  • 3/9 Illinois Law Changes Coming: Restrictions on the Use of Criminal Restrictions: In this webinar, we will discuss SB1480's Criminal Conviction restrictions. (REGISTER)
  • 3/10 Illinois Law Changes Coming: New Equal Pay & Related Reporting Mandates: In this webinar, we will focus on SB1480's Equal Pay & Related Reporting mandates. (REGISTER)
  • 3/18 How to Play the Game: Opportunities and Pitfalls in a “Gamified” Workplace In this webinar, we will unpack the gamification craze and explore legal traps that employers should account for in considering a gamification strategy (REGISTER)
  • 3/23 Gearing up for President Biden's Emergency COVID-19 Workplace Rules: In this webinar, we will discuss the new OSHA and COVID-19 related guidance and/or standards issued by the Biden Administration (REGISTER)
  • 3/31 Prevailing Wage Updates for 2021 and Beyond: This webinar will discuss and examine the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act and what the Illinois Department of Labor is doing in administrating and enforcing the law. (REGISTER)

SBA Helpful Resources

PPP Forgiveness: 

  • • PPP Forgiveness Webinar here 

COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan 

  • • Apply for the program at covid19relief.sba.gov 
  • • Learn more about the low-interest working capital program for businesses impacted by COVID-19 here. 

Targeted EIDL Advance Grant 

  • • Please note that the SBA will contact you if you qualify for this program. 
  • Read FAQs here

SVO Grant Program 

  • • Please note we are not accepting applications yet, but you can read up on the program with the FAQs here

Resource Partners 

  • • Find a resource partner near you for one-on-one consulting and/or assistance at www.sba.gov/localassistance. You can set up a virtual appointment with a center near you. 

State Workforce Programs

Want to win $50,000 for your business?

The 2021 FEDEX Small Business Grant Contest is currently open, but you'll want to hurry up and fill our your entry because the deadline is March 9, 2021.

Billboard Advertising Options

Did you know that you can get your business on a billboard catching downtown St. Louis commuter traffic ... for a FRACTION on the cost?

It's true! The chamber has partnered to create a great deal for our members. If you're interested click "TELL ME MORE!" below.



HMS Musical Seeking Advertisers

Greetings Highland Business Owners,

My name is Patrick McGinthy, and I am the director of Highland Middle School's 2021 Musical "Dear Edwina, Jr." Our show will be performed on Friday, March 5 and Saturday, March 6 at 7:00PM. Each year, we offer local organizations an opportunity to advertise in our program.

Clearly this year will be different. In an effort to continue to provide theatre opportunities to our students and community, we are presenting a production, but it will be live-streamed instead of performed in front of an in-house audience. The program to Dear Edwina Jr will be displayed on the live-stream 30 minutes prior to showtime. Throughout the program will be the story synopsis, cast of characters, and of course - advertisements.  

If you are interested in placing an advertisement in our program, please refer to the attached form. They can be submitted via email to Jill Reaka at Highland Middle School ( jreaka@highlandcusd5.org) and payments can be sent to the address provided. 

If you are interested in purchasing a ticket to the livestream performance on either March 5 or 6, we will have a link to purchase tickets beginning Wednesday, February 23rd on Highland Middle School's website: https://www.highlandcusd5.org/o/highland-middle-school 

Thank you for your support of Highland's students!

Available Classes at Heart & Soul Yoga

I know I'm a bit early with the "Welcome to March" but it is time for the next 8 week session and I wanted to send out a greeting to join me for the spring session of yoga classes.

I continue to offer both in studio (limited numbers) and Zoom for all classes.  Attached are the March/April schedules.  

Classes will begin the week of February 28.  You can register through the booking website (see below) or by emailing me to get you signed up.

Payments are through Venmo (preferred method), cash, check (brought into the studio or mailed), credit/debit card or pay through PayPal with the booking website. 8-week classes are $55 and drop ins are $10.

If it's been a while since you've been to class, come join me again.  If you haven't taken a class yet, come join me.  If you've been taking classes - THANK YOU and I look forward to seeing you in a class again. 

Class Schedule

Highland Health Care Names Andrew Lane, R.N. LNHA, as New Executive Director

Army Veteran Lane Brings Crucial Skilled Nursing Experience to FacilityA person with a beard

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Highland Health Care Center has named Andrew Lane, RN/LNHA, as its new Executive Director. The 128-bed skilled nursing facility provides expert-level short-term rehabilitation, long-term skilled nursing care, memory care, and respite care in a warm and welcoming environment. 

Prior to joining the Highland Health Care Center family, Lane served as Administrator at St. Louis Place Health and Rehabilitation, in St. Louis, Mo. During his time there

continue reading

Have You Seen the Products We Make?

Highland Machine has experience manufacturing a wide range of products, including custom enclosures, electrical enclosures, medical cabinets, and even mobile power generators. Check out our portfolio for a look at some of the products we've made.

Easter Baskets!

First Mid Bank & Trust is once again collecting filled Easter baskets for less fortunate children in our area.  Join in the fun by picking up an empty basket at the First Mid branch in Highland!  Fill the basket with goodies for children ages 10 & under and return it by Friday, March 26th.  Baskets will be distributed by Highland Area Christian Service Ministries to less fortunate children in our area.

Taking Charge of Your Heart Health

HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Highland provides healthy eating and exercise tips during American Heart Month

While there are some health risks that you may not have control over when it comes to heart disease, such as your family history, there are factors that you can positively affect to reduce your risk. Two main factors that you can affect are maintaining a healthy diet and incorporating exercise into your lifestyle.
Are you eating the right foods?


HSHS Occupational Health Services - A Note

Attention Highland Area Employers: 
HSHS Medical Group recently began notifying local employers of a plan to alter Occupational Health Services at the St. Joseph Highland location beginning March 1, 2021. This decision has been met with disappointment in the community. We understand the frustration, and we are listening to the feedback in order to adjust our plans. We ask for your patience while we find a long-term solution, but I wanted to let you know that we are looking into options that will enable us to extend services beyond March 1, with the goal of continuing many of the current Occupational Services in Highland.   
We will keep you updated as plans develop, but in the meantime, please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Thank you, 
Jeff Pollock
Outreach Representative – LeadWell
HSHS Medical Group
4941 Benchmark Centre, Suite 400 - Swansea, IL 62226
Cell: 618-741-0352

Highland Small Business Employee Appreciation Program

Sponsored by Highland Moose Lodge #2479


December Honoree

Cameron Meyer

Highland Rural King 

Cameron is a hard worker and does whatever needs to be done all over the store.


Highland Moose Lodge would like to acknowledge employees of local businesses. Employers can nominate their employee by emailing their name along with a write up of why they were chosen to lodge2479@mooseunits.org by the 30th of each month. The Lodge will choose one person each month from the write ups that were received. The person that the Lodge chooses will receive a $100 gift certificate from the Highland Chamber of Commerce.

Single Column- Chamber Newsletter - February 25, 2021