Heartland Community Chorus Pops Concert is here!
The 2021 Pops concert is now on youtube for you to view! “This 25-minute
offering is the fourth virtual program we have produced during COVID,” says director
Luanne Murphy, “and it’s the most fun one to watch!” The chorus has made these
programs free for anyone to see, because the community has been so supportive
during the pandemic. “We have received many donations during our virtual season, and
that tells us that our patrons want us to continue, and get back to in-person concerts
when we can. Our Season 9, starting this fall, will be in-person, both rehearsals and
concerts. We can’t wait!”
In the meantime, though, please enjoy “Pandemic Pops” on youtube, you will hear
favorites from past Pops concerts, such as “Route 66”, “I’ll Be Seeing You”, and “What
the World Needs Now.”Just head to
This Link or go to
youtube.com and search “heartland community chorus pandemic pops”