About Missouri Job Center
Jobs.mo.gov is the Missouri Division of Workforce Development (DWD) webpage. DWD provides various workforce development and employment related programs, products, and services for businesses and job seekers. In Missouri, DWD serves as the state agency that administers the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Wagner-Peyser funding for job search and other employment related activities.
As a division of the Department of Economic Development (DED), we strive to enhance Missouris economy by:
- Helping job seekers find gainful employment with family sustaining wages
- Providing businesses with a skilled, trained workforce to successfully compete in the global economy
Missouri's labor exchange system, MoJobs, provides job and candidate matching at no cost. A statewide network of Missouri Job Centers and partner organizations allow us to offer a wide array of vital services to Missouris job seekers and businesses.
Here's What We Offer
We are committed to delivering our very best. Explore what we have to offer.
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