Be Awesome Youth Coalition

Be Awesome Youth Coalition

Maricopa's youth often face disconnection from their families, schools, and community, with limited exposure to substance abuse prevention. This leaves them vulnerable to the prevalent risks of substance abuse, including...

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About Be Awesome Youth Coalition

About Us

Be Awesome Youth Coalition

Maricopa's youth often face disconnection from their families, schools, and community, with limited exposure to substance abuse prevention. This leaves them vulnerable to the prevalent risks of substance abuse, including e-cigarettes (vape), marijuana, and alcohol. These behaviors not only jeopardize their immediate well-being but also hinder their potential for future success as adults. The ripple effects extend to families, schools, and the community, straining vital resources.

At Be Awesome Youth Coalition, we are a coalition of local leaders and stakeholders driven by a shared passion: preventing teen drug abuse before it takes hold. Our mission is clear—to reduce teen substance abuse and empower youth to become confident, connected, and successful individuals. Through collaborative efforts and evidence-based strategies, we strive to create a supportive environment where every young person can thrive, free from the negative impacts of substance abuse.

Join us in our commitment to building a healthier, more resilient community for the youth of Maricopa. Together, we can make a lasting difference in their lives and pave the way for a brighter future.

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