Marshall has always taken pride in our hometown. Our businesses and residents have come together time and time again to prove we are a generous and caring community who are always willing to lend a hand for their friends and neighbors. However, in the last couple of years we have discovered an issue with littering in our small town. A lot of this is not only coming from over the road truck drivers and travelers, but often from Marshall residents as well.
The first year of pick up’s, CCCR picked up eighty-five 30-gallon trash bags and about 10 tires of all sizes with an average group of 6 volunteers. We are extremely proud of our progress and grateful for our volunteers and those who donated trash bags, gloves, ice, etc. Unfortunately, we all have jobs, families, and other responsibilities that prevent us from having the time and focus it would require to tackle this matter head-on. For this reason, we are reaching out to our local community businesses for help!
Each business or participating group would ‘adopt’ a park, stretch of road, or parking lot that they would clean up once or twice a month. The dates and times would be decided upon by each group depending on their schedules and availability. We only ask that participators share photos of their volunteers and progress to the Clark County Clean Recyclers Facebook page so we can share our community pride and encourage others to Be The Change and Make Every Day Earth Day!
If your group/business would like to participate, you may contact Cortney Spencer.