March 15, 2021

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Updates & Events from our Partners

A Note from President & CEO, Michael Ayers

Dear Partners,

One of our most important events of the year is taking place this week, our virtual Tallahassee Legislative Trip. A key part of our mission is to advocate for a pro-business environment, and this Wednesday, March 17, we will voice our support for bills, policies and reforms that not only support our local businesses but make the Space Coast a better place to work, play and raise children. There is truly strength in numbers, please consider joining us! The deadline to register is
3 p.m. today!




Virtual Tallahassee Trip: March 17

The Melbourne Regional Chamber, in partnership with the Space Coast's three other local chambers, will hold its Tallahassee Legislative Trip virtually on Wednesday, March 17. Cost is just $40 per person and includes virtual meetings and briefings with legislators, state agencies and business associations. Read more about our legislative priorities. Register by 3 p.m. today

Women of Excellence Gathering: March 23

Hear from four amazing ladies how they navigate what it means to be a woman in the workforce today. Come with questions and be prepared to be inspired, motivated and lifted up by our panelists and fellow attendees! In person and virtual attendance options available. Register today.

Good Morning Space Coast: April 1

Following Texas' recent power crisis, the topic of  clean, reliable and affordable energy is even more timely. Learn how Florida Power & Light consistently delivers America's best energy value. Register now.

Small Business Council: April 6

Hear from representatives of TD Bank regarding small business loans available through the Economic Aid Act. Register Now.
Weekly Bulletin - March 15, 2021