Date | Event |
4/1/2024 | |
4/2/2024 | |
4/2/2024 | |
4/3/2024 | more info... |
4/6/2024 | Kids Saturday Morning Out, Saturday April 6, 9:00-11:00 am. Come join us for Bible lessons, fun, and games. This is a sneak peek for our Camp Firelight this summer. more info... |
4/8/2024 | |
4/8/2024 | more info... |
4/8/2024 | more info... |
4/8/2024 | more info... |
4/8/2024 | more info... |
4/8/2024 | |
4/9/2024 | Come support Boy Scouts Troop 100 (Sylvester, Ga) just by eating pizza. more info... |
4/10/2024 | more info... |
4/11/2024 | |
4/11/2024 | more info... |
4/11/2024 | |
4/13/2024 | |
4/15/2024 | |
4/16/2024 | |
4/17/2024 | more info... |
4/18/2024 | more info... |
4/18/2024 | |
4/20/2024 | more info... |
4/22/2024 -4/27/2024 | |
4/23/2024 | |
4/24/2024 | more info... |
4/25/2024 | 🎉 Save the date! 📅 Our Annual Business Business Expo is back on April 25th, 2024! 🌟 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to showcase your business to a wide audience. Reserve your booth today and secure for free as a chamber member. Non-members can secure with a $50 fee or join the chamber for the fee to be waived! Connect with industry leaders, explore innovative solutions, and forge valuable partnerships. This is your chance to make a lasting impression on potential customers and clients. ✅ Register now and join us at the forefront of the business world. Together, let's create success and growth! more info... |
4/26/2024 | Click Here for Talent Show Application! more info... |
4/27/2024 | Come join us on April 27th for our 21st Great Sylvester Clean Up!! Registration starts at 7:30am Litter Pickup is from 8am-12pm We will be providing lunch for all the participants. We can’t wait to see you there! |
4/30/2024 | more info... |