Date | Event |
7/3/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/6/2024 | more info... |
7/6/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/9/2024 -7/14/2024 | |
7/10/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/12/2024 | more info... |
7/12/2024 | more info... |
7/12/2024 | Please join us for Chamber Coffee at Carroll National Golf Course from 8-9 a.m. Come meet the Carroll National team, see updates in the clubhouse and on the course, and learn about all the improvements at Carroll National Golf Course. more info... |
7/13/2024 | more info... |
7/13/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/17/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/19/2024 | Please join us for Chamber Coffee on Friday, July 19 at DMACC in the Knott Commons. more info... |
7/20/2024 | Food trucks at 5 pm and music starts at 6 pm more info... |
7/20/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/22/2024 -7/26/2024 | more info... |
7/24/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/25/2024 | more info... |
7/25/2024 | more info... |
7/26/2024 | Please join us for Chamber Coffee on Friday, July 26 at the Carroll County Courthouse, 114 E 6th Street, Carroll. Come see the remodeled courthouse, meet the employees there and about what all takes place inside the building! more info... |
7/27/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |
7/31/2024 | A place where growers, makers, and artisans gather to share their love of what they do with the community of Carroll and all others who pass through. more info... |