Date | Event |
4/2/2024 | |
4/3/2024 | |
4/4/2024 | |
4/10/2024 | |
4/10/2024 | Familia join us for an exclusive wine dinner with Sokol Blosser from Oregon on Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm! The Sokol Blosser Wine Dinner will be hosted by President and Winemaker Alex Sokol Blosser! Enjoy a fun evening with a multi-course dinner and wine pairings, a perfect night to share with friends and loved ones! 5 delicious courses and 4 amazing wines! more info... |
4/10/2024 | The Sokol Blosser Wine Dinner will be hosted by President and Winemaker Alex Sokol Blosser at Casa Nuova Italian Restaurant Enjoy a fun evening with a multi-course dinner and wine pairings, a perfect night to share with friends and loved ones! 5 delicious courses and 4 amazing wines! more info... |
4/12/2024 | more info... |
4/16/2024 | ¿Te pasa que .... 😒no estas contento/a con tus ventas? 😕te gustaría generar más ingresos pero no sabes cómo? 🤨no entiendes por qué no te compran? 😳te cuesta mucho manejar las objeciones? 🫣procrastinas y no realizas los seguimientos que sabes deberías hacer para mejorar tus resultados? 😤haces haces y nada cambia: tu patrón financiero sigue igual! ¿Te gustaría descubrir qué puede estar bloqueando tus ventas?😜 ¿Te gustaría saber el paso a paso para desbloquearlas y lograr incrementar tus INGRESOS? 😃
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4/16/2024 | more info... |
4/16/2024 | more info... |
4/21/2024 | Dive into a transformative experience dedicated to celebrating and advancing sustainability across Atlanta. Earth Week at Ponce 2024 brings together passionate individuals, innovative businesses, and thought leaders to Ponce City Market for a series of events designed to inspire action and foster a community committed to environmental stewardship. A platform where the Atlanta community can engage with sustainability initiatives, learn from leaders in the movement, and contribute to the creation of a greener future. Why Attend?
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4/23/2024 | more info... |
4/24/2024 | more info... |
4/26/2024 | |
4/27/2024 | El momento ha llegado! El Sábado, 27 de Abril de 2024 Eeld Associates tendra una variedad de recursos disponibles, y el Consulado de México estará presente junto a otras organizaciones para brindar asistencia y proveer recursos ¡Esperamos verte allí! 🌟🇲🇽 No te lo puedes perder Comparte esta información.
The moment has arrived! Saturday, April 27, 2024, Eeld Associates will have a variety of resources available, and the Consulate of Mexico will be present alongside other organizations to provide assistance and offer resources. We look forward to seeing you there! 🌟🇲🇽
Don’t miss out—share this information!
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4/28/2024 | Aurora Theatre en Lawrenceville Arts Center Ven y celebra esta hermosa tradición donde celebramos nuestra niñez. Trae a tus niños a disfrutar de talleres, estretenimiento, comida, y sorpresas. Este evento, en colaboración con el Consulado de México, será del disfrute de todos. No se lo pueden perder. more info... |
4/29/2024 -5/27/2024 | Sunshine Smiles Dentistry serves patients looking for a dentist near Roswell, GA 30075 or dentist near Roswell, GA 30076. As the new year kicks off we invite you to schedule your dental exams and checkups with our dental clinic in Roswell. We are a Spanish speaking dental clinic. more info... |
4/30/2024 | more info... |