Date | Event |
5/1/2024 | more info... |
5/1/2024 | more info... |
5/3/2024 | more info... |
5/4/2024 | |
5/5/2024 | Plaza Fiesta is proud to announce the 21st “Cinco de Mayo” Celebration! Come and enjoy with us this wonderful festival aimed at Hispanics from every corner of the globe. Of course, the festivities run all day long at Plaza Fiesta. The “Cinco de Mayo Celebration” is an event that the whole family can enjoy, with lots of entertainment, live mariachi music, bands, games, and prizes for everyone. There are many contests, raffle prizes and giveaways for those who are present and much, much more. “Cinco de Mayo” is the perfect opportunity for any size business, large or small, to reach an exclusive, captive, quality audience with an impressive qualitative profile and real purchasing power… The Atlanta Hispanic Community.! This Celebration is sure to attract thousands of families, averaging 45,000 festivalgoers every year. more info... |
5/7/2024 -5/14/2024 | ¿Quieres lograr un impulso poderoso en tus VENTAS?💸ENTRENAMIENTO: "¡Cómo vender más y mejor conociendo Tu Personalidad Financiera y la de tus Clientes!" Este workshop es extremadamente práctico y dinámico. Durante el evento, trabajarás mano a mano con Vale para:
Profundizar en el conocimiento de tu propia personalidad financiera y utilizarla a tu favor para aumentar tus ventas. Aprender estrategias personalizadas y técnicas efectivas para identificar y abordar a tus prospectos y clientes según su personalidad financiera, logrando conectar con sus valores y necesidades. Crear un plan de acción para mantener un flujo constante de ventas.
¿Cómo? Vale te proporcionará guías, plantillas y checklists para que puedas aplicar todo con claridad. ¡Y eso no es todo! Durante el evento, tendrás la oportunidad única de DAR VISIBILIDAD y VENDER tu producto o servicio en VIVO ante una audiencia global, lo que muy probablemente te garantizará un retorno inmediato de tu inversión.
En el link debajo encuentras toda la información.
¡No esperes más para potenciar tus ventas y expandir tu impacto con tu producto y/o servicio!💪🏽 more info... |
5/8/2024 | more info... |
5/9/2024 | This is an invitation for you to register for the GSA OSDBU’s “Small Business Works 2024” event held on Thursday, May 9, 2024. The event theme is “OSDBU A.C.T.S on Maximizing Small Business Opportunities.” This will be a 100% virtual, 1-day event. This year’s event continues to support the Administration’s DEIA initiative to invest in the heart of America's economy through small businesses by increasing access to opportunities through early engagement, planning, and competition in the federal marketplace. To fully support this, GSA OSDBU intends to increase Advocacy for small businesses on opportunities in the federal space, Collaborate with federal and external business partners, Train small businesses to be educated and prepared for future government solicitations, and provide support in navigating through the federal procurement process. Other activities taking place during the Small Business Works 2024 event include: Informational/educational sessions for industry categorized as New to Government, Intermediate and Advanced. Matchmaking sessions between prime vendors/federal agencies and small businesses running from 2:00 PM ET– 5:30 PM ET. more info... |
5/9/2024 | more info... |
5/10/2024 | more info... |
5/11/2024 | ART + Sound con la Banda Latina EL KARTEL ¡Únete a nosotros para una noche de creatividad y ritmo! more info... |
5/16/2024 |
more info... |
5/18/2024 | |
5/20/2024 | more info... |
5/21/2024 | more info... |
5/23/2024 | more info... |
5/28/2024 | more info... |
5/28/2024 | Join us for an evening of discussion with Ted Blum, author of Calculated Risks, and Robert Ratonyi, author of From Darkness Into Light, moderated by Maria Saporta of The SaportaReport. The authors will speak about their families' unique journeys through escaping religious persecution and how these inspirational stories relate to charting a better path forward. more info... |
5/29/2024 | more info... |
5/29/2024 -7/3/2024 | ¡Impulsa tu estabilidad financiera con Money Smart! 💸✨ ¡Fortalece tus habilidades y conceptos financieros en 6 semanas de capacitaciones virtuales con expertos en: 🌟 Planeación de un negocio próspero 💰 Administración financiera 📊 Información crediticia 📝 Planificación y declaración de impuestos 🤝 Oportunidades de networking y más! ¡Este programa está valorado en $2,000 pero sin costo para ti! Requisitos: 📌 Ser hispano/latino dueño de negocio en Georgia 📌 Mínimo 12 meses de operación 📌 Ingresos anuales hasta $100,000 📌 Compromiso de asistir a todas las clases virtuales 🗓️ Fecha de inicio: 29 de mayo Lugar: Virtual plataforma en Zoom 📢 ¡Regístrate YA y GÁNATE UNA BECA! 🚀 more info... |
5/31/2024 | more info... |