Date | Event |
6/19/2024 | The Sumter County Chamber of Commerce hosts a bimonthly lunch meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month. The Chamber uses this meeting as a way to help educate their members and attendees with relevant information for our local businesses. Each month there is a different guest speaker with the exception of the June lunch, which is when we present our Chamber Scholarship winners. Its Your Chamber. Be a part of it! #sumterchamber #sumtercounyfl #beapartofit more info... |
6/24/2024 | This is a quarterly meeting where we would like to gather our local community non-profits together to:
**Lunch will be provided so in order for us to have the correct amount of food - we are requiring that you RSVP to attend this meeting. Please click the RSVP button at the bottom or the top of this email to secure your seat in the room. ** more info... |