Date | Event |
3/5/2024 | Lesionarse en el trabajo puede ser una experiencia devastadora, especialmente si la lesión resulta en facturas médicas altas o discapacidades a corto o largo plazo que le impiden volver al trabajo. Si usted o alguien que conoce se lesionó en un trabajo y necesita ayuda para recuperar los beneficios de compensación de trabajadores usted merece, inscribirse en nuestra próxima clínica legal para una consulta gratuita.
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3/13/2024 | ChamberRVA Mix is taking the Mix to new levels! ChamberRVA is excited to partner with the region's most influential business organizations in hosting a region wide Mega Mix. We value the opportunity to collaborate with:
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3/14/2024 | Whether you are a new member or want to brush up on new chamber tools please join this membership orientation to learn about all the benefits included in your membership. Meet the chamber team, learn how to log into your member portal, access and update your online business tools, register for events, and more. There will be a Q&A session at the end of this presentation. more info... |
3/22/2024 -3/24/2024 | Startup Weekend is a three-day program where aspiring entrepreneurs experience startup life. Techstars Startup Weekend - Changemakers Richmond will include:
Startup Weekend is a three-day program where aspiring entrepreneurs experience startup life. It is a creative and collaborative educational event over a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Open to the public, anyone can develop and pitch new startup ideas. From executive product owners to independent inventors, all are welcome. The weekend includes creating a business model, validating it with potential customers, and competing within a supportive community. This is a global event series led by Techstars, event sponsors, and affiliates.
About Techstars Startup Weekend
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