Calendar of Events
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March 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of March 2023
This offering will address the field sof macro photography. We will investigate the world of the "small" and learn techniques and equipment that will allow the photographer to capture small subjects and fill the frame of their image. If available, bring a tripod, charged batteries, and dedicated macro lens if available, your basic lens will work. For optimum results, a set of macro extension tubes is best. These can be purchases on Amazon (camera brand specific) for approximately $15.00. The set without the electronic connectors start at $15 with electronic connectors costing much more. 
Pearson Physical Therapy represents this free class. 
They want to help you increase your activity level safely! Pearson Physical Therapy will teach you common fitness programs, ways to avoid start up injuries, and how to improve your fitness level efficiently and effectively. 
3/16/2023 - 4/6/2023
Learn about basic electrical wiring for homes with Andy Gibbons. Learn about different components, tools, and uses, and how to safely install and trouble shoot electrical components. 
Fund raiser for the Loup Valley Chapter of Hunters For Youth.  Our primary goal is to get kids of all ages outside enjoying hunting and fishing as well as all other outdoor activities.  All of our staff is comprised of volunteers that have passed background checks, we are always looking for adults to become mentors as we most always have more kids than mentors.   With the funds raised from this event it allows us to provide activities to involve kids and their families- to get kids outside and active.
The last Friday of each month! Course includes CPR, First Aid, and AED training, and includes pediatric instruction for childcare providers with Alex McConnell. 
A crash course on buying and selling a house! Learn about contracts, fair housing, and agency relationships. If you're in the market, you need this course!

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