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December 2024
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Sangria & Shopping 2024 and Show & Shine Auto Event!
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Taste of Buckeye
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Quarterly Breakfast - Legislative Update- Coyote Branch Library - 21699 W. Yuma Rd.
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Events in the month of December 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Feed My Sheep opens their doors and their hearts to help furnish a meal to those in need on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Feed My Sheep
  Mid 2022 Anita Britton (my sister-in-law) and Pam McGreevy (my beautiful wife) started talking about how Anita and her church group fed the needy in Ohio years ago.  They both decided to start a group here in Buckeye. The problem of where to hold these dinners was a main concern.  November of 2022 I suggested that we ask the American Legion Post 53 in Buckeye for help. Post 53 calls Buckeye Community Veterans Service Center at 402 E Narramore Ave home.
  Anita and Pam attended one of our meetings at Post 53 and presented the Feed My Sheep concept.  This is a group of volunteers that gives free meals to the local people who are in need of a helping hand.
  Post 53 members voted to allow Feed My Sheep to have the Buckeye Community Veterans Service Center on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to prepare and serve the meals without the charge of a rental fee.
Feed My Sheep gave their first meal in February of 2023 with 12 meals served.  Each month our numbers served grew. November 2023 the Post 53 membership asked Feed My Sheep to give two meals per month. Now Feed My Sheep is serving meals on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Buckeye Community Veterans Service Center.  The first meal of the month is paid for by a donation from Post 53 and the second meal is paid for by donations from various sources.
  Last Tuesday's (1/2/2024) dinner we served 57 meals.
A big thank you goes to Post 53 and our other sources for our donations.
A big thank you goes to the volunteers who put their time in to make the meals happen. They are:
  Anita Britton, Pam McGreevy, Carolyn and Art Warner, Chris Craft, Cathy and Tony Sera, Trina Stark, Kathy and  Don Nathaniel. Without your help we would not be able to do this event. I hope I didn't miss anyone.
With the Lord's blessing we hope to continue this event for years to come.
Written by Patrick McGreevy
Past Commander of Post 53
Post 53 Historian.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024

Billie Eilish is bringing her Hit Me Hard and Soft The Tour Dec 13th. Tickets on sale Friday, May 3rd
Friday, December 27, 2024
Come out Dec 20th & 27th to rope in Buckeye at the 90% Payback Wednesdays and win some extra cash!