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September 2022
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Events in the month of September 2022
Learn basic concepts for setting up your bookkeeping and develop an understanding of financial statements to better manage your business. Learn and understand common terms used in bookkeeping so you can converse confidently with lenders and financial advisors. Learn key concepts for good record keeping for your business.
This workshop will focus on discussing introductory methods of digital and online marketing. You will learn the basics about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), as well as mobile, affiliate, and online ad marketing, social media platforms, and strategies to best utilize digital platforms. You will be provided real-world examples of which type of marketing may best fit your marketing goals, as well as ideas for your future marketing needs. This training is perfect for individuals who are either first getting started in digital/online marketing, or those who would like a little more information on how to develop their current digital/online marketing.

You will follow a step-by-step process on how to turn your hobby into a business. You will: learn what it takes to start and run the business; how to make money doing what you enjoy; brainstorm opportunities to generate enough income to make it worth your time; complete list of items needed to start; understand legal requirements (i.e., license, permits); develop a basic business plan outline; determine how much money you need to start and sustain the business until it is profitable; calculate how much profit you need to make to maintain your cost of living; learn basic bookkeeping and how to manage the financials; understand that you are the boss and not an employee and what that comes with; and implement time management practices to be successful.

You will learn about the nuts and bolts of starting a food truck business. Topics will include the differences in purchasing or leasing a truck, how commissaries work, health permit and requirements, financing, and what your financial and time investment will be. 

Determine the right marketing strategy for your business, based on Paid marketing, or through low-cost Guerilla marketing. Learn the differences based on paid or non-paid strategies, as well as expected results. We will learn various aspects of both Paid and Guerilla marketing strategies, examples of each, and what activities are involved. This is a great opportunity to learn more about unique strategies to make your business stand out from the rest. Topics will include:  Paid vs Guerilla marketing overview, Best practices of Paid and Guerilla marketing strategies, Costs involved, Time expectations/work involved, Creative vs consistent strategies, and Strategies to build your own marketing plan.


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