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Events in the month of May 2023
Thursday, May 4, 2023
It's not easy keeping your brand top-of-mind in 2023.
There’s so much noise everywhere! People see between 6,000 and 10,000 advertising messages every single day - and meanwhile our attention spans keep getting shorter.
And then there are all the places you're expected to be visible. It seems like there’s a new “must-do” platform or tactic popping up every 10 minutes - it’s overwhelming to even think about, much less actually try to maintain a brand presence everywhere.
And at the same time, you need to keep your current customers or partners engaged while you're working on gaining new ones.
You need to increase your brand recognition and the brand retention that gets you the best fit customers, clients, or partners you're looking for.
So how do you do it?
That's the focus at Brand Discovery 2023: Branding at All Levels - held on May 4th in Boise, ID. It's a 3-hour branding workshop designed to help you cut through all the friction and gain new energy & ideas to grow your brand.
Come for inspiring, interactive, actionable insights covering every aspect of a strong brand:
  1. Keynote: Building a Passion Brand - Speaker to be Announced
  2. Personal Branding - Speaker to be Announced
  3. Corporate Brand Strategy - Speaker to be Announced
  4. Actionable Branding: "Boots-on-the-Ground" - Speaker to be Announced
  5. 360 Degree Brand Experience - Speaker to be Announced