Calendar of Events
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January 2022
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Events in the month of January 2022


The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will require importers of products falling within its scope to purchase certificates under the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). This means that they will have to, either individually or through a representative, register with national authorities where they can buy the CBAM certificates. The certificates will ensure equal treatment for products made in the EU and imports from elsewhere. This online meeting is being called jointly by the Malta Chamber and the Ministry for Finance that will be providing a presentation on importation changes affecting importers of iron, steel, cement, aluminium and fertilisers.



'Supply Chain Crisis: Managing the Reality' is an online event organised by the Logistics and Supply Chain Business Section Executive Committee within The Malta Chamber. Through this event a number of experts and industry stakeholders will be discussing the sources and impact of the supply chain crisis with a view to providing local businesses with the essential information needed to manage this reality in short and medium term. 

23/01/2022 - 25/01/2022

The Malta Chamber, Malta Enterprise and Trade Malta together with the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce The EEN of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in its International Brokerage Event at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. The event will be packed with networking opportunities, thematic seminars, visits to companies and international business meetings.The initiative represents a great opportunity for European SMEs and companies from other countries to create new business leads and to enrich their global reach. The event will lay special emphasis on all the priority sectors for the European economy: sustainable development, circular Economy, ICT, transport & logistics, innovation and Industry 4.0.

Malta's CEO Confidence: Moving Forward into 2022

Held in collaboration with Vistage Malta, the webinar will present and discuss in detail the research results of the CEO Confidence Index Q1 2022 survey. 
The Confidence Index is an optimum tool for any business as it provides feedback from business leaders on their views of the economy, policy and operations.
Representatives from Vistage Worldwide will also be comparing the local results with international ones. 
The full report will be provided to all attendees following the webinar.