Calendar of Events
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February 2022
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Events in the month of February 2022



Navigating the different schemes and financing opportunities can be an exercise which is intensive on a company's human resources. Companies considering taking advantage of schemes sometimes ask themselves if the rewards outweigh the needed investment of resources to take advantage of these opportunities. Similarly, companies undertaking energy audits at times do not have the resources needed to follow up on the audit's recommendations. This workshop will provide an overview of different financing options, with the goal of thereafter pairing companies' projects ideas with the most relevant schemes and financing opportunities.

The WE MAKE project offers funded energy audits, aiming to match the recommendations of such energy audits with different financing options. Similarly, companies may have sustainable projects related to energy & water in mind already, and the WE MAKE project may offer the chance to implement these. This workshop is the first in a series, aimed at alleviating the human resource burden needed to understand schemes and push projects.

The WE MAKE project is aimed at manufacturing companies and is a collaboration between the Energy and Water Agency (EWA), Malta Business Bureau and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, sponsored by the Energy and Water Agency, to give businesses within the manufacturing industry guidance on how to consume energy and water efficiently. With the support of Malta Enterprise, the project follows from the MBB and The Malta Chamber’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, through which a number of companies enjoyed significant savings as a result of in-house innovation in energy & water efficiency. The LIFE+ project was one of only 17 LIFE environment projects which were awarded ‘LIFE best projects for 2014’.


The Malta Chamber is aware of notice issued by the Commissioner for Revenue (‘CfR’) reminding taxpayers of the requirement to file Intrastat Declarations to regularise their position. This requirement is an obligation which enables governments and the EU to track trade between countries for statistical purposes.
In light of this communication, The Malta Chamber is inviting you for an online information session with the National Statistics Office to help in providing information and guidance in complying with such obligations.


Trade Malta is pleased to invite Malta-based businesses to join a trade delegation to Turkey. The delegation will be led by the Honourable Silvio Schembri, Minister for the Economy and Industry.
The business delegation shall be visiting Turkey on Friday 25th February 2022.

Deadline for application is Friday, 21st January at 17.00.
More details can be found in the description below.

Through this event, a number of experts and industry stakeholders will be discussing the issues facing Malta as a small island on the periphery of the EU.

Kindly register for the event via the registration button hereunder.

Join this exclusive networking and team-building activity, as you explore the evolving role of The Malta Chamber, from past to present. Learn more about the history of Malta’s foremost business representative body as you create connections with other YCN members.
Everything will be complemented by good food, a glass of wine and the opportunity of networking with like-minded people like you.
Looking forward to seeing you there!