Calendar of Events
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October 2022
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Events in the month of October 2022


The Malta Chamber believes that mental health is one of the main priorities to ensure a healthy economy and that stakeholders need to come together to give this topic its due attention. Thus, it is with this mindset that Mental Wellbeing – A Priority For Your Business is being organised by its Health and Wellness Committee with the support of Atlas Insurance. This morning conference aims at raising much needed awareness on the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace and seeks to showcase the perspectives of the various institutions that play a major role in this area. We will also be giving a voice to the concerns and questions faced by employers in relation to mental health issues that may arise at the place of work.
The conference will include interviews, a panel discussion and expert interventions that will deal with the social, health and economic impact of adverse mental health on the workforce and on the business itself. Our ultimate aim is to provide guidance to employers on how to prevent, but also deal, with mental health issues that may arise amongst its employees.
This conference will take place on Monday, 10th October between 9.00 and 11.00am. 
Agenda and speakers will be announced closer to the date. 



The Masterclass will consist of 3 sessions taking place on the following dates:
11th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
19th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
25th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs

You are encouraged to attend the entire course.  To do that kindly select THE FULL COURSE PACKAGE.  



The Masterclass will consist of 3 sessions taking place on the following dates:
11th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
19th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
25th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs

You are encouraged to attend the entire course.  To do that kindly select THE FULL COURSE PACKAGE.  


The objective of this webinar is to raise awareness amongst businesses about the changes that will be coming into effect soon in relation to the mandatory submission of VAT returns online. This webinar is being coorganised with the Office of the Commissioner for Revenue



The Masterclass will consist of 3 sessions taking place on the following dates:
11th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
19th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs
25th October, 0900hrs - 1300hrs

You are encouraged to attend the entire course.  To do that kindly select THE FULL COURSE PACKAGE.  


As young business leaders, we daily find ourselves communicating our vision to a myriad of audiences.
In our communication we must be impactful and engaging as we rally supporters behind our business purpose - whether these happen to be investors, co-founders, partners, colleagues, or employees.
Communication is so integral to leadership. A great leader is always learning, and communication is one of those functions where practice is never too much.  
Join us for the first event in the young leadership series where we practice growing the power of being understood.

Heating & cooling are essential components of a manufacturing company's operations and contribute significantly to its energy bills. 

Toly has offered to host this WE MAKE event at its premises, and is offering a site visit to showcase its heating & cooling innovations.

Join us at Toly and participate in the session to obtain knowledge, meet colleagues in industry and discuss solutions for Malta's manufacturing sector.

Limited places available on a first come first served basis.