Calendar of Events
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June 2023
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Events in the month of June 2023


In today's digital age, every organisation must prioritise data protection and cyber resilience to safeguard sensitive information and ensure business continuity.

This event, featuring Malta's Data Protection Commissioner, experts from BMIT and The Malta Chamber, will discuss the latest developments in data protection and cyber resilience. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into how to protect their organisations from cyber threats and learn about the importance of these topics.

The event will feature presentations and panel discussions from expert speakers, followed by a Q&A session and it is open to anyone interested in data protection and cyber resilience, including business owners, IT professionals, and individuals concerned about the security of their personal information.

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry and exchange ideas.

Non members are only allowed a maximum of 1 free entrance to The Malta Chamber events per year.  
Non members will be charged a fee of 30Eur + VAT at entrance in the case of registrations that go over and above that quota.
The Malta Chamber reserves the right to reject registrations of non members.

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.
Fire safety is an area of great concern for the general public, insurers and also for health and safety professionals. Malta currently follows a set of guidelines that are now out of date and which in themselves do not hold the power of law, while the new Fire Safety Act still awaits ratification.
The Malta Chamber believes that this a topic that should be given priority and visibility, also in view of the proliferation of office buildings, apartment blocks and high-rise buildings that are dotting the Maltese landscape. Thus it is for this reason that Igniting Change: The need for Fire Safety Legislation in Malta is being organised by its Health and Wellness Committee with the support of Atlas Insurance. 

Agenda and speakers will be announced closer to the date. 

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (The Malta Chamber) is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who communicate with it, use its services, visit its website, and who make use of its online facilities. In this regard, any personal data submitted with this registration will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.