The Tribune is offering specials for New Advertisers!
Full Color 1/4 page ad in The Tribune 2x per month for 3 months
20,000 impressions on (per month) 4 digital ad insertion per month into any Gazette Email Newsletter Value: $840/month Cost: $510/month Full Color 1/8 Page ad in The Tribune 2x per month for 3 months 15,000 impressions on each month 3 digital ad insertion per month into any Gazette Email Newsletter Value: $552.50/month Cost: $332/month
Disclaimer: This promotion is intended for new advertisers or advertisers who have not placed an ad for 6 months or longer. This offer does not apply to current advertisers.
Expiration: 12/31/2025
Tri-Lakes Tribune & Gazette Media Jacki Stambene 30 East Pikes Peak Ave. Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 produced by: Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce
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