Sattva California cares deeply about coming together to have a sense of community, of truth, a sense of sacred relationship within the community. Sattva Yogis have a sense of responsibility for our planet and all creatures–with deep compassion for all beings.
Teachings at Sattva California are holistic, integrative, and deeply transformative for all aspects of human existence. The ever-evolving practice at the core of the teachings is both ancient and modern. Rooted in the rich Vedantic and Tantric traditions of the Himalayas, the teachings integrate radical and relevant wisdom. The practice incorporates contemporary evolution in science and mind-body research. Sattva teachings are not separate from life, but rather are a practical, systematic science of enlightenment and evolution of consciousness.
Turning Point Community Programs Alfred Rowlett LCSW, MBA, CPRP
Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) began in 1976 with the unique vision to offer caring, hope, respect, and support on the path to recovery and mental health.
Everyone has a path to mental health. Let us help you find yours.