Event Registration - Irwindale Chamber of Commerce

44th Annual Golf Tournament
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM PST

Location: Glendora Country Club, 2400 Country Club Dr, Glendora, CA 91741

NOTICE: The Irwindale Chamber may use photos, film, and videotape or otherwise reproduce the image and/or voice of any person who participates in any Chamber event and use the same for any purpose without payment. Your participation in any Chamber event constitutes your permission to use your likeness.
Event Description

Join Irwindale’s biggest players for a fun-filled day on the course on Monday, May 12 at Glendora Country Club (2400 Country Club Dr, Glendora, CA 91741)! Our annual tournament is our most popular and beloved event for our members, and attended by over 200 people!

Registration will open at 8 AM. Shotgun at 10 AM.

All golfers will enjoy 18 holes of golf, breakfast, awards dinner, Hole in One contest (valued at $10,000!), snacks, special gift, raffles, silent auction, and much more!

We also have other non-golfer sponsorship opportunities available: from exhibitor space, placing your logo onto our golf carts, to sponsoring our dinner. Take advantage of this chance to get your name in front of San Gabriel Valley's premier businesses!

NOTE: Should it be necessary for you to cancel your participation, any request by a registrant must be received in writing via email to admin@irwindalechamber.org. All requests MUST be received at least five (5) business days before the event. After that date, no refunds will be accepted, except in special circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.