Membership/Marketing Assessment & Inquiry Form
Making an investment in the Chamber is an important decision. All Information will remain confidential. We appreciate that every business has different needs, interests, priorities, and budgets. Please answer a few questions, and we will get back to you ASAP!
- Required Field
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Company Name *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Email *
Your cell/mobile phone # *
What is your primary market focus?
Select all that apply
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Government (B2G)
What best describes your business phase?
(Select only one) *
Select all that apply
Rapid Growth
Declining or Re-Birth
What City is your business located in? *
-- No Selection --
El Mirage
Sun City
Sun City West
Choose 1
How many employees are in your business?
(employees who receive a W-2) *
Select all that apply
No employees under me
500 - 999
1,000 +
Do any of the following situations apply to your business?
(check all that apply)
Select all that apply
Desire to strategically enhance our community engagement and involvement
Have some important and/or on-going legislative issues or concerns in our industry
Expanding our marketing area into the NW Valley
Launching a new product or service
Need to re-brand or reposition our product or service
We are opening up a new business (Brick and Mortar)
None of the Above
How do you currently reach your target audience?
Select all that apply
Print Media (newspaper/magazine)
Broadcast media (TV/radio)
Public Relations (Free Public Service Announcement, editorials, etc)
Internet/Interactive (Website, social media)
Direct Marketing ( Direct mail, telemarketing)
Sales Promotions (Coupons, specials, deals)
Public Events (Direct to Consumer Marketing)
Direct to Business Marketing (like B2B Expos)
Word of Mouth
Personal Selling
Which of the following statements do you STRONGLY AGREE with?
Select all that apply
I am a start-up or a very small business with no employees (Micro-Business, Multi-level Marketer, Hobby Business)
I am an established business, and have a stake/interest in community (job climate, economy, taxes, and regulations)
I am interested in tackling business issues facing our community (the economy and regulations).
I am interested is solving or learning about major issues facing our community.
I value political action and government relations activities of the Chamber.
Direct to consumer advertising (special event marketing) is an important marketing strategy
I am less likely to show up to Chamber events because of my schedule.
Getting my brand name/logo out in the community is important.
I am willing to pay for advertising.
I am interested in sponsoring events or programs.
Attending FREE events is extremely important to me.
Getting my business found on the local internet searches is very important to me
Having a simple, very budget friendly website set up ASAP is important
I have more time than money.
How likely would you be to sign onto an E-Letter targeting local, state, or federal elected officials to help lobby for fewer regulations, lower taxes, and pro-business legislation!
Select all that apply
Every time
Almost evert time
Almost never
What title best describes your role in the business?
Select all that apply
Owner, President, CEO, Partner (or C-Suite)
Store Manager/Senior Executive/VP/Department Head
Home-based Business/ Multi-Level Marketing Business Operator
PR, Marketing Department or Sales Representative
After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email, and be redirected to my Calendar Widget. Please schedule a time that is convenient for you to have a short 20-30 minute phone conversion. Please be sure to include your cell phone information on the form, and expect a phone call at the date and time you selected.
I look forward to chatting with you. Thank you!
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