April Events
All of April's programming is free! Invite a friend to join us or a peer that needs resources during this time. We are dedicated to our mission of economic vitality for our community.
We will be adding webinars as information is gathered. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and website calendar for more information.
Morning Schmooze
Thursday, April 9
7:30 - 9:00 AM
Sponsored by Alpha & Omega Coffee. Register to receive the Zoom link.
Lunch & Legislators
Friday, April 24
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Hear from Matt Pavik, VP of Government Affairs at the Missouri State Chamber. Register to receive the Zoom link.
Monthly Membership Luncheon
Tuesday, April 28
11:30 - 1:00 PM
We are adjusting our speakers list to better serve our businesses during this time. Register to receive the Zoom link.