About Town and Country Properties/Realty
In 1970 Denny and Faith Swanson packed up their family and belongings and headed for the mountains. He went from jet-setting out of Los Angeles as a Sales person for a well known aerospace company to running a small hotel in the quaint town of Quincy and he always said it was the best decision hes ever made.
It was Faith that first got into real estate in 1972. Soon after in 1978 Denny got his license. In 1983 the opportunity to start their own business presented itself and that is how Town and Country was formed and still going stronger than ever. You cant drive down the street in Quincy with out seeing properties that Denny has sold, sometimes more than once.
Denny retired in 2013 and passed the torch to his grandson Johnny Mansell who was mentored by Denny for six years since 2007. John does a great job of keeping Dennys legacy alive.
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