Heritage Community Credit Union

About Heritage Community Credit Union

Credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions based on the cooperative idea that more can be accomplished by working together than by working individually. Why should you choose to be a credit union member?

Financial Cooperative: In credit unions, the members are the owners and share a common bond of association known as the field of membership. Some members save so others can borrow. Unlike traditional banks, credit unions are not-for-profit organizations. When we produce excess earnings those funds are returned to members in the form of competitive loan and savings rates, lower fees, and additional products and services.

You are the Owners: Credit Unions are democratic, member-owned cooperatives; members have the power to direct policy through their Board of Directors. Board elections are based on a one member, one vote structure. Meaning each member has one vote regardless of how much money he or she holds at the credit union. This structure is in contrast to for-profit, bank where stockholders vote according to the number of shares of stock they own.

More Than a Place to Put Your Money: While profit margins are important for economic viability, credit unions place their focus on service. Our cooperative structure, member ownership, volunteerism, and quality, personal service distinguish us from other financial institutions.

Here's What We Offer

Heritage Community Credit Union is a proud member of

Rancho Cordova Area Chamber of Commerce

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