Sacramento Regional Transit

About Sacramento Regional Transit

The Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT) operates 69 bus routes and 42.9 miles of light rail covering a 418 square-mile service area. Buses and light rail run 365 days a year using 76 light rail vehicles, 205 buses powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) and 23 shuttle vans. Buses operate daily from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. every 12 to 60 minutes, depending on the route. Light rail trains begin operation at 4 a.m. with service every 15 minutes during the day and every 30 minutes in the evening and on weekends. Blue Line and Gold Line trains operate until 12:30 a.m. and the Gold Line to Folsom operates until 7 p.m. Green Line trains operate every 30 minutes Monday through Friday from approximately 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (no weekend or holiday service).

Passenger amenities include 53 light rail stops or stations, 32 bus and light rail transfer centers and 22 park-and-ride lots. RT also serves over 3,100 bus stops throughout Sacramento County.

Annual ridership has steadily increased on both the bus and light rail systems from 14 million passengers in 1987 to over 26.4 million passengers in FY 2015. Weekday light rail ridership averages about 47,000. Bus weekday ridership has reached an average of 50,000 passengers per day.

RT's entire bus and light rail system is accessible to the disabled community. Also, RT provides a door-to-door transportation service (in accordance with its responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act) for Sacramento area residents who are unable to use fixed-route service. RT provides this service through a contract with Paratransit, Inc.

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Rancho Cordova Area Chamber of Commerce

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