Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce

Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is working for businesses and economic growth in our communities. We are committed to helping businesses thrive in these slow economic times. We support member businesses with many programs that benefit the...

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About Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce

About Us About Us
About Us About Us

Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is working for businesses and economic growth in our communities. We are committed to helping businesses thrive in these slow economic times. We support member businesses with many programs that benefit them in means of advertising, networking, marketing, referrals, and brand recognition. The more a business participates the more well known that business becomes in the community.

We have a Business of the Month recognition that helps market a business to the community as a community partner and acknowledges their role in the community. Ribbon Cuttings are held for new businesses to our community to help drive our shop local campaign.

We hold monthly networking luncheons that we call Noon Networking that allows businesses to network with others in the business community. This function is open to all businesses and fosters a relationship with the Chamber and it's members.

We sponsor and support the local farming community with a Farmer's Market during the summer months. The Farmer's Market is a popular event held every Saturday through August to November. Local growers bring produce to sell in outdoor booths so that the public can purchase fresh farm grown fruits and vegetables.

We sponsor and host community events, Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Sidewalk Sales, Rotary/Chamber Scholarship Golf Tournament, Scarecrow Contest and Main Street Trick or Treat, Winter Lights Parade and participate in many of the City's events.

We are the Charter Organization for the Venture Crew Troup 1532 and work with the Utah Parks Council. We work closely with other service organizations like the Spanish Fork Rotary and Spanish Fork Kiwanis to assist in community service projects.

Our Think Local, Shop Local, Be Local campaign is as important to us as Chamber Members as it is to the local business owner and resident of this community. One dollar spent at a local business will affect 7 local area business partners before it leaves our community.

We love Spanish Fork and Salem Cities and we are dedicated to helping provide a healthy economic climate for businesses and residents to live, shop, and play.

Spanish Fork Area Chamber of Commerce.

Spanish Fork Area Chamber of Commerce.

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