James K Ewell
Owner, Valley View Mortgage Lending
What do you do?
James is a residential mortgage lender. He helps people find the money they need to buy their dream home or their first home to start on the path to building wealth in America.
Why Springville?
James said that Springville is a great city to be in. His wife is from Springville, and her family roots is what brought them back to Springville. They wanted to be closer to family. "Springville is a happy place to be." - James Ewell
Why the Chamber? How has it benefited you?
James said that he is always looking for ways to meet new people and find ways to help serve the needs of the community. He said that as a member he gets to rub shoulders with other business leaders, gain education from people and from the speakers who come in and share their specialties. He likes that he is able to learn from others and able to find ways to help the city. The benefits he has gained from being a member are the friendships and relationships built, and the knowledge he has gained by being member of chamber and attending.
Welcome James and Valley View Mortgage Lending! You can hear more from James