Willow Dunn Ranch LLp

Willow Dunn Ranch LLp

Welcome to Willow Dunn Ranch, where Randy and Michelle Sullivan extend a warm greeting to all visitors. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Oslo, Minnesota, our ranch serves as a haven for our cherished animals and a hub for qual...

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About Willow Dunn Ranch LLp

About Us

Willow Dunn Ranch LLp

Welcome to Willow Dunn Ranch, where Randy and Michelle Sullivan extend a warm greeting to all visitors. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Oslo, Minnesota, our ranch serves as a haven for our cherished animals and a hub for quality, all-natural products. As stewards of this small hobby ranch, we take immense pride in raising horses, goats, cows, chickens, and occasionally, lambs and turkeys. Our commitment to sustainable practices and animal welfare ensures that every creature here leads a happy and healthy life.

At Willow Dunn Ranch, we offer an exquisite range of all-natural goat milk products and beard oils. Crafted with care and passion, each item is infused with premium ingredients and enriched with the fresh milk from our own goats. Unlike mass-produced alternatives, we never compromise on quality, eschewing processed or powdered milk in favor of the purest, freshest ingredients. As you explore our ranch, take the opportunity to interact with our beloved animals, indulge in our premium offerings, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of rural life.

The Chamber of Commerce GF/EGF

The Chamber of Commerce GF/EGF

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