Riverside Christian School

Riverside Christian School

Riverside Christian School is a non-denominational private Christian school offering preschool through 12th grade. RCS meets all standards prescribed by the Minnesota Department of Public Instruction. The school is staff...

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Riverside Christian School

Riverside Christian School is a non-denominational private Christian school offering preschool through 12th grade. RCS meets all standards prescribed by the Minnesota Department of Public Instruction. The school is staffed by qualified teachers and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

The academic programs of RCS are only a part of the educational process. The school presents a Bible centered philosophy of education that places Christ at the center of all things. Academically, RCS aspires to maintain high scholastic standards. The school promotes man's stewardship role. We believe that classroom methods should be teacher directed (Deut 6:7), with the student acquiring knowledge through studying, researching, reasoning and relating. To carry out these objectives, only teachers who agree with RCS's philosophy of education will be employed.

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