Valley Senior Living

Valley Senior Living

Valley Senior Living in Grand Forks, ND, where we have been dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for our residents for nearly a century. Our comprehensive approach includes a mix of group and one-on-one activities, spont...

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About Valley Senior Living

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About Us

Valley Senior Living

Valley Senior Living in Grand Forks, ND, where we have been dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for our residents for nearly a century. Our comprehensive approach includes a mix of group and one-on-one activities, spontaneous events, and fostering companionship among residents, staff, family, children, and the community. We aim to redefine the culture of aging by encouraging creativity, engagement, and a zest for life, effectively minimizing feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom.

Our Christian-based care community is committed to supporting residents' spiritual needs with services that help them stay connected to their faith. We offer counseling, prayer support, worship services, and opportunities for spiritual growth, facilitated by a dedicated team of Chaplains. Our inclusive environment welcomes residents of all faiths, providing the spiritual care they need to nourish their spirit.

Valley Senior Living also values intergenerational connections, promoting positive interactions between residents and younger generations through our innovative programming. With an on-site Head Start classroom and regular activities with middle and high school students, our residents enjoy frequent, joyful interactions with children, enriching the community. Since 1924, we have been dedicated to preserving the dignity and independence of those we serve, following the Eden Alternative philosophy to ensure our residents remain at the center of their lives.

The Chamber of Commerce GF/EGF

The Chamber of Commerce GF/EGF

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