Virginia Premier

About Virginia Premier

Formed in 1995 as a Medicaid HMO, Virginia Premier is a non-profit managed care organization wholly-owned by VCU Health System. Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia Premier employs approximately 1,600 people and serves approximately 265,000 members throughout the Commonwealth.

Virginia Premier's mission is to inspire healthy living within the communities we serve with a focus on those in need. We do this through innovation, strategic partnerships, industry-leading health care and the power of VCU Health.

We help empower our members throughout Virginia to live their healthiest life by providing access to quality, affordable healthcare coverage.

Virginia Premier Health Plan is contracted with the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services to provide health care services to the recipients of the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) and Medicaid's Low-Income Families with Children, and Aged, Blind and Disabled residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Here's What We Offer

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