Now Small Businesses Can Save Thousands!
We, at the Chamber, hear from our small business members that health insurance, employee benefits and HR administration are a major expense and concern. At the same time, many people are talking about the possibilities of association purchasing power. For those reasons, we’ve teamed up to give you large business style buying power for your small business—even for those with just one employee.
The chamber’s participation in Healthy Business Alliance® allows your small business to take advantage of big business-type benefits assembled by Purchasing Alliance SOLUTIONS® (PAS). National in scope and local in delivery, participating service providers and affiliated chamber member insurance agents provide benefits to small businesses that have never been greater. Through Healthy Business Alliance, PAS makes the complex, simple and the expensive, affordable.
This robust program gives you purchasing power with multiple companies such as
Aetna, Humana, Kaiser Permanente, United Healthcare, National General, Allied National, Intentional Benefits and many more. In fact, Healthy Business Alliance delivers more employee benefits savings options than any program in America.
Here are just a few of the purchasing options offered by Purchasing Alliance SOLUTIONS:
- Build-Your-Own-Benefits Plan: Do away with the expensive pieces you really don’t need from your old plans and give yourself the perfect coverage at the best price for your business. Learn more.
- Healthy Year? Receive Money Back: You can receive up to 100% of unspent claims fund dollars back at the end of your contract year. Healthcare coverage, money back? Learn more.
- Buy What You Can Afford: Get 24/7 access to a family doctor and give your employees the option to upgrade on their own! Learn more.
- Don’t want a Group plan? Help Employees Pay for Private Individual Coverage: We know you care about your employees and now you can help them purchase their own policy as much as you are able! Learn more.
To learn more, you may visit
If any of this seems overwhelming, as we all know health insurance can be, simply reach out to the knowledgeable folks at PAS and let them show you how much money you can save. They can be reached at PAS2Savings@purchasingalliance.com or 800-782-8254, or, give us a call at the chamber, and we’ll put them in touch with you.