Weekly Update: September 2019

Business of the Month


Community Events

Kaolin Festival is fast approaching, and the Chamber has a fun, unique opportunity for members to participate and advertise to parade goers! This year, we would like to feature mascots for local businesses marching in the parade. This is a great opportunity, and what your mascot passes out as they walk is per your discretion. Contact us if you would like for a representative of your company, dressed in a themed outfit, to join the festivities! Thank you! Parade applications are available and ready for you!

To get an awesome Lantern Tour t-shirt that helps support the historic Old City Cemetery, click here!


Members Only


WACO Schools


Local Business

Sandersville Only Deal: Buy a #3 Combo, get a Mini Blizzard for $0.99

Special Announcement: The $5 Buck Lunch will be leaving Dairy Queen, but the $6 Buck Lunch is here to stay!

Summer Color Collection

The Washington County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - Weekly Update: September 2019