Final deadline to order is February 25 by 12 p.m.
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Lockerly Arboretum 2020 Calendar of Events
February 6: Wine in the Woods, sponsored by Rotary Club of Milledgeville. Special guest group: members of service organizations. Purchase tickets
February 22: Georgia Arbor Day. Program TBD.
March 5: Wine in the Woods, sponsored by Jim Fain/ReMax Realty. special guest group: Veterinarians and animal welfare employees.
April 17: Plant Sale. Members only, 11am - 1pm, Public 1pm - 6pm
April 18: Plant Sale. Public 8:30am - 11:30am
April 25: National Arbor Day. Guest speaker: Frederick Law Olmstead.
May 7: Wine in the Woods.
September 26: Lockerly Under the Stars.
October 1: Wine in the Woods, sponsored by Magnolia State Bank. Special guest group: Magnolia State Bank customers.
October 31: Family Fun Day
December 3: Holiday Reception