Chamber Chat

Chamber Updates

Happy Friday- Have plans this weekend?!? We can help with that. 
Keep an eye out for the cyclist coming through our community tonight and tomorrow as they travel the GA Hi-Lo Trail - Athens to Savannah ride. We are fortunate to have them ride right down Hwy 15 in to our community and dine and stay with us! All a product of our friend and chamber member, Mary Charles Howard:) 

Saturday morning come check out the brand new Elite Heat on Ferncrest Dr. for our first Ribbon Cutting in quite a while. Tabitha Hatfield has created an awesome space, perfect for creating a talented gymnast. 

Also if you are doing some clean outs and notice you have medicine that needs to be disposed of, Washington Co. Family Connections & CIS is sponsoring a Drug Take Back Day at the Sheriffs Dept on Saturday from 10-2:00. 

The Saturday Early Voting is this Saturday, 9-4:00 at 117 Jones Street in Sandersville, Go Vote ! 

Chamber wise, we have loads on the books for next week. Youth Leadership 20-21' is gearing up and we were excited to announce the class this week, with the first session coming up on Wednesday. We also have the next Young Professional ( or young at heart) webinar on Tuesday, trust us you don't want to miss hearing from YT Bell, the guest speaker. Plus another FB Live on Tuesday night so tune in to win your own Halloween goodies:)  
SBDC is also back at the Chamber offering their free resources and services on Wednesday so take advantage and give us a call to schedule an appointment. 

Have a great weekend, Katie 


Chamber Events and News


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We are proud to announce the 2020-2021 Youth Leadership Class. Let's give these students a big high five!! 

Member Benefits

Exciting NEW Chamber Benefit

Each Chamber member will receive a complimentary subscription to the Georgia Trend magazine.The first edition mailed on September 23rd, did you recieve yours? 


Looking for other options before Open Enrollment?!? This could be the solution you need...

To learn more about the SMART Benefit Program and other Member benefits, click here!







The Washington County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - Chamber Chat