Chamber Chat

Chamber Updates

Happy Halloween Week ! What is your favorite Halloween tradition ?!? Mine would revolve around family and friends and snacks:) Speaking of snacks, Trick or Treating is going to be fun this year, with a twist ! Go visit the thirty-five businesses and organizations that have signed up to be a ToT location. This Saturday you have from 10 AM - 3PM to go visit and snag some candy from our wonderful business owners and churches. Let's just go ahead and give them a huge round of applause for doing this!! Then that night you can enjoy your candy and watch a Halloween movie or like us, carve pumpkins that we haven't gotten to yet. 

On a Chamber note, first of next week Chamber board nominations open. If you are Chamber minded, community minded and want to make a difference, fill an app out ! 

Also, we will have a little construction going on Monday and Tuesday, so the ATM will not be accessible and just be cautious if you come visit us:) 

Happy Full Moon weekend, Katie 


Chamber Events and News

626 Ferncrest Drive 

Elite Heat has one awesome Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening this past Saturday. Here are a few pics if you missed it. 


 2020-2021 Youth Leadership 

Kickoff Session : A Zoom filled with lots of interactive conversations to get to know each other, understand more about the mission and focus of the program and what they can expect during the year. 

Member Benefits

Exciting NEW Chamber Benefit

Each Chamber member will receive a complimentary subscription to the Georgia Trend magazine.The first edition mailed on September 23rd, did you receive yours? 


Looking for other options before Open Enrollment?!? This could be the solution you need...

To learn more about the SMART Benefit Program and other Member benefits, click here!







The Washington County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - Chamber Chat