Chamber Chat

Chamber Updates



Cards are available at any of the participating businesses and the Chamber, grab your free scratch and save card today! 



Thank you to all who attended the August BRE Breakfast.Washington EMC was a gracious host and we had a wonderful turnout and informative program given by Michelle Elliott.
Stay tuned for the next BRE Breakfast date. 


Young Professionals

Education Happens Here

New Teacher Crates Delivered 
Over thirty five crates were filled to the brim with items donated from our local businesses & delivered to all new teachers at Washington County Schools and Brentwood School. Such a fun time to celebrate those that have chosen to educate our children! 

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Libby Mathis with the Chamber delivered six crates to the new teachers at Brentwood. 

May be an image of 6 people and people standing
The Chamber had the pleasure to present crates to the new staff at Washington County School System during a celebration luncheon this past Friday.

Kaolin Festival


New Chamber Members

Visit Glambella Boutique at 111 W. Church St. in Sandersville, or call them at
(478) 521-6102.

Perfect Touch Consulting LLC

Visit Perfect Touch Consulting at 111 W. Church St. in Sandersville, or call them at (678) 818-9090.

Call (478) 247-3738 to ask about LadyTee's catering services.

May be an image of text that says 'Sandersville Wel & Septic Company now located at 1268 Hwy 15 N Sandersville SANDERSVILLE WELL & SEPTIC COMPANY Complete Well & Sec Service (478] 552-3190 (478] 640-0610 Servicing Georgia as a 4th generation driller, Ron Waters has distinguished himself by providing his clients with high quality drilling, well and septic maintenance services. "We are available to take your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient." WWW.SANDERSVLLELANDSEPTIC.COM'

Visit their website for a full listing of all the services they provide.

The Washington County Chamber of Commerce


2021 Washington County Chamber of Commerce Sponsors

Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - Chamber Chat