BID DATE & TIME: Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Carroll Daniel Construction Company (“CDCC” or “Construction Manager” or “CM”) invites qualified
bidders to submit lump sum bids for bid packages associated with the Washington County IGAL Academy
project located at 423 Industrial Drive, Sandersville Georgia 31082. The scope of this project the
conversion of an existing jail facility into a newly renovated Instructional Academy.
Bids will be received by the Construction Manager until 2:00 PM, local time, on Thursday, December 2,
2021 by email only.
To learn more, click here!
Over 14-mile Hwy 15 Widening Project Comment Period Open
The Georgia Department of Transportation seeks feedback on the proposed 14.7-mile State Route 15 widening and reconstruction from Warthen to Sparta.
Citizens can visit a project
website through
Dec. 6 to learn more and leave comments. In addition, Georgia DOT will host an in-person open house from
5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18 at Mount Olive Baptist Church, 9123 GA-15, Warthen, Ga. The public can drop in anytime to speak with project experts and leave comments.
What is the project schedule?
The project is currently in preliminary engineering phase of project development. The concept will be refined through environmental and engineering evaluations. Construction is programmed for 2026.
How Can You Assist?
Please provide feedback about our proposed solution as well as information about any resources important to you or to the community. Are there events that future construction may affect once it begins?
What are the Next Steps?
Once a Concept Report is approved, the project alignment would be refined. If major changes occur to what was previously shown to the community, additional public outreach would occur. If no major changes are proposed, the project would advance to right-of-way acquisition and into final design. After all right-of-way acquisition occurs, project design is finalized, and the project would advance to construction.
The Sandersville Georgian Changes Hands
Twenty-eight years since its last change in ownership, The Sandersville Georgian, formerly the Sandersville Progress and The Sparta Ishmaelite, has changed hands.
The Dublin Courier-Herald Publishing Company announced the purchase of The Sandersville Georgian on Mon. Oct. 18.
Read the full article in the October 20
th edition of The Georgian!