A huge thank you to the Pizza Place 2.0 for hosting us for our July 14th Lunch Local sponsored by The Washington County Senior Center.
The ribbon has been cut at the Free Little Library in Downtown Sandersville
Thank you
Sandersville Main Street GA for filling a neat space with endless opportunities for readers
Visit on your next stop by the Square.
The Washington Co. Chamber of Commerce and the Development Authority of Washington Co. attended the annual Congressional Luncheon in Athens on August 8th.
The Chamber had the opportunity to attend and celebrate
Community Health Care Systems, Inc. this week. It is National Health Center Week and we appreciate having two CHCS sites in our county as well as all the services they provide to our citizens. Congressman Rick Allen was also in attendance and the Chamber and the Development Authority had the opportunity to showcase a local industry by taking a quick pit stop tour at Endurance Poly Producers. Washington County has much to showcase and appreciate!