Chamber Chat

Hello from the Chamber!




May Power Hour- May 1st 

Conni Burley with Archway Partnership did the True Colors Personality Test with employees from a number of businesses around the County!! They learned about their personality traits and how to work better with the people around them. We had so much fun and laughed a lot!! If you haven't joined us for a Power Hour yet you are missing out!!! 

Teacher Appreciation Drive-Thru - May 8th
Sponsored by: Jet Food Stores & Kaolin Teas 

On Wednesday, May 8th, we were able to serve well over 100 educators at our Annual Drive-Thru thanks to our awesome partners Kaolin Teas and Jet Food Stores of Georgia Inc! They provided delicious ice cream treats and yummy teas!!
Seriously, we could not do what we do without businesses like Jet and Kaolin Teas! Please take a moment and thank them for their support!
It was our pleasure to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, thank you to each and every educator who truly makes a difference in so many lives!💙


Chamber Membership benefit highlight




Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - Chamber Chat