Awakening Recovery

About Awakening Recovery

Awakening Recovery's purpose is to provide an affordable and safe sober living environment for men 18-32+ that motivates sustained recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction through its comprehensive structure.

Awakening Recovery's long-term goal is to create a community of men in recovery that have transformed their thinking, feelings, and behavior to foster the choice of lifelong sobriety, where they have the opportunity to thrive and give back to the world, courageously facing life's challenges with honesty, conviction, integrity, humility, and gratitude.

As a non-profit sober living environment, we have the unique ability to offer a sliding scale of rent or scholarships to residents with proven need, alleviating the insurance path and financial hardships through the generous donations of our loyal donors.

The approach to our sober-living community encourages residents willing to live in a drug and alcohol-free environment to awaken from their addiction to a new way of thinking and the adoption of new or forgotten behaviors that promote personal integrity, self-respect, accountability, honesty, and self-sufficiency.

We don't claim to be responsible for anyone's relapse or recovery, as that is each resident's choice. However, the profound change that is brought about by the completion of the Awakening Recovery process gives residents the opportunity to go out into the world taking responsibility for their lives, with renewed faith and hope for the future, making the daily decision of life-long sobriety their chosen path.

Here's What We Offer

Awakening Recovery is a proud member of

West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

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