Gold Metropolitan Media Organization

About Gold Metropolitan Media Organization

Our specialty is a niche form of the most cost-effective outdoor advertising that we coined 25 years ago as “City Light Pole Banners.” We’ve implemented CLPB campaigns throughout the most highly traveled commuter thoroughfares in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and nearly every area in between. We regularly demonstrate that the repetition of your message can create a streetscape impression that is impossible to ignore.

Installation Services

Our team launches complete, and eventually removes campaigns with sensitivity to timeliness in mind. Due to our unique installation technique, both city-wide and boutique-sized banner programs just seem to appear out of nowhere! In the event the occasional installed banner needs our attention, we pride ourselves on our speedy response time to make sure all banners are always looking they're very best.


We can clean, ship, store, or re-purpose removed banners into exciting and useful new products.

Additional Products and Services

We can also handle an array of related graphics and signage needs including building banners, window and floor graphics, event signage, and more. Please do not hesitate to inquire about our capabilities beyond CLPBs.

Here's What We Offer

Gold Metropolitan Media Organization is a proud member of

West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

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