Contact Info
Bio Clear Water Solutions
Andrew Savant
Phone: (714) 721-5101
Hours of Operation
About Us
Degraded or Eutrophic ponds and lakes can be characterized by low levels of dissolved oxygen and highly stratified water. As anaerobic (devoid of oxygen) conditions begin to develop in the deeper water, naturally occurring aerobic microbes are trapped above the cooler, nutrient-rich, low oxygen water. They can no longer perform beneficial tasks such as waste digestion or water purification. Over time water quality greatly decreases leading to unsightly blooms of algae, the accumulation of organic sludge, and the buildup of gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen Sulfide is well known for its offensive odor. Low oxygen levels can also lead to fish kills.
Aeration, “deep water diffusers and fountains,” acts to increase dissolved oxygen levels while eliminating water stratification. Specialized microbial species can then recolonize in deeper water where they rapidly begin to digest accumulated organic sludge and improve water quality. It continually keeps the water from becoming stagnant and stratified and keeps oxygen levels high throughout the water column.
Lake and pond environments are highly dynamic ecosystems that rely on natural processes to maintain natural order. Today most ponds and lakes are bombarded with excess nutrients from multiple sources, which are further complicated by thermal stratification. Naturally occurring bacteria cannot keep up with this influx of nutrients. This leads to a shift in the natural balance in ponds and lakes and encourages the buildup of bottom sludge.
Bio Clear Water Solutions uses aeration, ozone, biological microbes, water clarifiers, vegetation management, and sonic technology to assist in increasing oxygen levels, improve water quality and help restore a natural balance to the water body. No harmful chemicals, pesticides,s or herbicides are used.